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Recycling Glass

Recyclable: Colored glass (clear, green, brown, blue, and others), bottles, and jars

Non-Recyclable: Dirty glass (contaminated by dirt, stones, and food waste), ceramics (dishware, ovenware, decorative glass, coffee cups... Cermains can ruin a whole batch since they weaken the glass and ultimately costs more money than saves), heat resistant glass, mirror or window glass, mixed colors of broken glass, light bulbs (specific way to recycle)

How :

(1) The glass is taken to a manufacturing or recycling plant => It's broken into smaller pieces called cullets.

(2) The cullets are crushed, sorted and cleaned.

(3) The cullets are heated at high temperatures to melt and combine the ingredients.

(4) New recycled glass is formed!

**Glass is also extremely reusuable!**

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