More Ways to Save the Planet
Once you've gotten Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle down, it is time to start saving the environment in other aspects of life. Here are some...
There are countless crafts that you can make out of recyclable material. Creating crafts falls under the Reuse category and requires an...
Recycling Plastic
Every year, we produce enough plastic film to shrink wrap Texas! The United States uses enough water bottles to wrap around the Earth 190...
Recycling Metals
Problems: --> Only about 50% of metals, such as aluminum, are recycled --> Irresponsible disposal of metals --> Unnecessary Mining (leads...
Recycling Glass
Recyclable: Colored glass (clear, green, brown, blue, and others), bottles, and jars Non-Recyclable: Dirty glass (contaminated by dirt,...
What Can/Can't You Recycle?
Can: Paper, flattened cardboard and paperboard, food and beverage cartons, food and beverage cans (aluminum cans), plastic bottles, pizza...
Recycling Paper
Appoxmiately half of all the waste that enters landfills is paper. This is absurd since we can recycle paper! If everyone was aware of...
More about My Project and Advice
My complete project including a powerpoint presentation, recycling fair, donations, and recycling pick up at the school. Powerpoint...
General Rules of Saving the Earth.
Everyone can help and save the planet through the famous three R's : Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Most people know the three R's but it is...
Why should you recycle?
1. Save trees. Approximately one half of all the Earth's forests are gone and about 95% of the original trees in the United States have...