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More about My Project and Advice

My complete project including a powerpoint presentation, recycling fair, donations, and recycling pick up at the school.

Powerpoint presentation: I gave a quick five minute presentation to Pre-K 3 to 8th grade students addressing the need of recycling. This presentation included facts about the accumulating waste in the landfills, as well as the oceans.

Recycling fair: My volunteers and I created 8 posters to educate the students more about recycling and the students toured the posters. The posters included: Why Should You Recycle?, What Can/ Can't You Recycle?, Paper, Plastics, Metal, Glass, Crafts, and What Can You Do to Save the Planet?.

Donations: All of the students received a recycling pamphlet, water bottle, and pencil. Additionally, I made permanent posters to be hung around the school. The recycling pamphlet included basic information about recycling, along with ways they can help the planet. The reusable water bottles help the students reduce their impact of plastic on the environment. They received pencils, labeled Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to reinforce the idea of recycling. Lastly, I made permenant posters to be hung around the school reminding the students what recycling is and what to recycle.

Recycling Pick Up: Lastly, I implemented recycling pick up at the school. I contacted multiple recycling companies and the majority of them were not interested in providing recycling to the school. Eventually, I found one company that was willing to provide paper recycling to the school. Although it only provides paper recycling for the school, it still is a huge accomplishment, since paper still comrpises 50% of the waste in landfills.

My advice to you if you would like to start recycling at a school is to first educate the students about recycling, and then try to contact companies to implement recycling pick up, in a manner similar to mine.

We all need to do our parts to save the environment!

Link to my pamphlet:

Link to my powerpoint:

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